San Jos� de Maipo is a municipality located in Cordillera Province , Santiago Metropolitan Region ), Chile . It is 48 km from the city of Santiago de Chile , bordering the east with Argentina .
According to the 2002 census the population is 13,376 inhabitants, with a population density of 0.03 inhab. / Ha, concentrating mainly (70%) in urban areas. Its main urban center is the town of San Jose de Maipo .
Economic activities present stand, metal mining, non-metallic, aggregate extraction, quarrying stone, trade of local products such as almonds, walnuts and crafts and alabaster stone slab among others. Also relevant electricity production based on hydropower sector: Central Los Queltehues, Central Los Maitenes , and Central Alfalfal step I. However, the tourist industry is booming in this area, there are a large number of establishments associated with it, and that this district was declared in 2001 as National Tourist Interest Area (ZOIT), by the National Tourism Service (Sernatur)