
About Neum

Neum is the only coastal town in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It comprises 24.5 km (15 mi) of coastline, the country's only access to the Adriatic Sea. As of 2009, municipal (općina) population was of 4,605 and the one of Neum main town (naselje) was of 4,268 (in 1991).

Neum has steep hills, sandy beaches, and several large tourist hotels. Prices tend to be lower than in neighboring Croatia, making it popular with shoppers. Tourism, and the commerce it brings, is the leading contributor to the economy of the area. Border formalities with Croatia are relaxed at peak times. Neum has around 5,000 beds for tourists, 1,810 in hotels with the remaining capacity in motels, villas, and in private accommodation. Tourism in Neum is active only in the coastal region. The inland area behind Neum has a rich archeological history and untouched wilderness and is starting to develop agricultural tourism